International shipping outside European Union.


International shipping outside European Union.


1. 200€ minimum plant order.


2. All orders sent by post are entirely at the importers risk. We will accept no responsibility as all postage is routed through which we have no control over.


3.We will also accept no responsibility for orders sent through any port by post or any other freight method that are destroyed due to there allegedly being prohibited pests or diseases on our plants.

Official analyses have proven that they are not in our nursery. Plants that are returned to us are, in effect, as good as destroyed due to the standard fumigation and quarantine treatment they would have to undergo.

Therefore this is not an option.


4. All orders must be either placed on our web site ordering.


5. On receipt of payment, we will send your plants as quickly as possible, usually 1-2 weeks, can take a bit longer depending on when we can book in the Phyto-sanitary inspection, if required.


6 Phyto-sanitary certificate 80€ per order.

CITES permits are 10€ per order. However there is usually no charge for these.

Please check with your Agriculture Department or Customs regarding any import permits you may require.


Contact me for all question: